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When you decide to paint the interior of your

by:MX machinery      2020-07-05
Ceiling painting can magically transform the room and tie together the color palette, plus it makes decorating even easier. For example: If a room has high ceilings then a darker color paint can make the room look warm and cozy, whereas, if you want the room look larger you can paint the ceiling with a lighter color. Remember, it is not necessary that you paint your ceiling according to the color of the walls, though it can definitely make a room feel larger or smaller and add an element of style and flow to the entire house. As you decorate and paint each room of your house, you should really pay attention to your ceilings. Remember to follow these important rules when you decide to paint your ceilings: 1) Before beginning to paint the ceiling, it is very important to clean it with soap and warm water. Dust in your house can accumulate on your ceiling, especially if you have ceiling fans or AC ducts con the ceiling. Ceiling tiles should be cleaned with a mixture of bleach and water. Properly cleaning your ceiling prior to painting is imperative so that the paint can be coated smoothly and evenly. 2) Before using paint on the ceiling it is important, as with painting any surface, to properly apply a coat of primer to the ceiling. Applying a coat of primer to your ceiling will ensure that your coating of paint will dry properly, smoothly, and evenly. 3) It is always better to remain consistent while you are painting. For the best results always brush or roll in the same direction so the paint will coat evenly on the ceiling. 4) Before you actually begin painting the ceiling it is very important to have these important items handy: Latex primer, paint, a bucket and/or roller tray, paint roller, bleach, spray bottle, water, rags, newspapers and/or a drop cloth. These are the essential tools to have when beginning to paint. It is also a good idea to have a drop cloth that can cover the entire surface area of the floor in the room whose ceiling you wish to paint. 5) With regards to the color you should use to paint the ceiling take into account the color of the walls, furniture and decorations, check out a variety of color palettes and do some 'test runs' by painting small areas of the ceiling where it adjoins the wall. Most of all USE YOUR IMAGINATION to make your room look unique!
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